
미래를 여는 빅데이터와 AI; 더 나은 서울의 내일
Opening the Future with Big Data & AI: A Better Tomorrow for Seoulites.


Junyoung Choi

서울연구원 대외협력센터장
Director of External Relations Research Center, The Seoul Institute

Director, future urban space research, the Seoul Institute (Nov. 2023 ~ Sep. 2024)
Director, Center for Data Science, Seoul Institute of Technology (Jan. 2021 ~ Jun. 2022)


야난 신
Yanan Xin

델프트 공과대 교수
Assistant Professor, Co-Director of DAIMoND Lab, Department of Transport and Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, TU Delft

- Senior Assistant, Lab Leader of Mobility Information Engineering Lab, Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2024.01 - 2024.07)
- Postdoctoral researcher, Lab Leader of Mobility Information
Engineering Lab, Chair of Geoinformation Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland (2020.09 - 2023.12)


Jung-Woo Ha


- Head, Future AI Center, NAVER (24.1~)
- Head, AI Innovation, NAVER Cloud (23.4~)
- Co-CEO and Director of AI Policy Research Institute, Citizens’ Coalition for Scientific Society(CCSS) (24.1~)
- Member, National Academy of Engineering of Korea (24.1~)


스티브 셔키
Steve M Shirkey

마이크로소프트 아시아
Azure AI 총괄

- Director, Azure AI (ANZ/ASEAN/Korea), Microsoft
- Customer Success Director, Data & AI Solution Area, Microsoft APAC
- AI/ML Solutions Architecture Lead, APJ, Amazon Web Services


YoungMi Kim

상명대학교 교수
Professor, SangMyung University

- Professor, Department of Public Administration, SangMyung University (1994.3-Present)
- Presidential Committee on the Digital Platform Government, Committee Member (2022.9-2024.9)
- Korean Association for Policy Studies, President (2023)


JungMin Kim

데이터인텔리전트 실장
Head of Data Intelligence Division,
Data Intelligence Division, Kakao Mobility

- AIRnD Team Leader, Kakao Mobility
- Head of Data Intelligence Division, Kakao Mobility

데이터로 연결된 일상: 쾌적하고 편리한 서울 시민생활
Data-connected Daily Lives: A Pleasant and Convenient Life for Seoulites


Kim, Keunsik

통계청 빅데이터통계과과장
Director, Big Data & Statistics Division, Statistic Korea

- Director, Big Data & Statistics Division, Statistics Korea
- Research Fellow, AgileSoDA
- Chief Risk Officer, KBank
- General Manager of Risk Management Department, Woori Bank
- Senior Consultant, SAS Korea


YuBok Won

서울특별시 데이터전략과 데이터분석TF팀장
Data Analysis TF Team Leader, Seoul City Data Strategy Division

- Seoul Metropolitan Government, Data Analysis TF Team Leader
- Overall Management of Big Data Analysis for Implementing Data-Driven Administration in Seoul Metropolitan Government
- Planning and Policy Research for the Development and Integration of Communication Data, including Seoul's Residential Population


JiHye Park

서울디지털재단 스마트정책팀장
Team Leader, Smart Strategy Team, Seoul Digital Foundation

- Team Leader (Principal Researcher), Smart Strategy Team, Seoul Digital Foundation (Sep 2019 ~ Present)
- Research Specialist, Future Planning Center, Chungbuk Research Institute (Jun 2017 ~ Aug 2019)


Young-Ho Eom

서울시립대학교 물리학과 교수
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Seoul

- Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Seoul, Republic of Korea (2020-2024)
- Chancellor’s Fellow, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom (2016-2020)


Kim Jong Gil

서울특별시의회 주택공간위원회 |서울특별시의회 의원
Member of Seoul Metropolitan Council, Seoul Metropolitan Council Housing and Space Committee

- Member of Seoul Metropolitan Council (’22. 7. 1. ~ )
- KOIIA Advisory Member(’22. 3. ~ )
- Senior Secretary to the National Assembly Member(’20. 5. ~ ’22. 3.)
- K-DATA Senior Manager(’18. 7. ~ ’20. 5.)


Woosuk Choi

세종대 인공지능데이터사이언스학과 교수
Assistant Professor, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Sejong University

- Post-Doc. Researcher, Seoul National University (2017~2018)
- Senior Researcher, Seoul Institute of Technology (2018~2021)
- Assistant Professor, University of Suwon (2021~2022)
- Assistant Professor, Sejong University (2022~Present)


JuYoung Kim

한국교통연구원 | 국가교통DB센터장
Director of National Transportation DB Center, Korea Transport Institute

- The Seoul Institute (1999-2001)
- Seoul City Hall, Highway Planning Department (2001-2002)
- Korea Transport Institute (2007-)

안전한 도시 서울: AI·빅데이터로 강화하는 도시 안전망
Seoul, a Safe City: Strengthening the City Safety Net with AI & Big Data


Yonghee Lee

서울시립대학교 교수
Professor, University of Seoul

- Urban Big Data and AI Institute in University of Seoul, Director (March, 2024- present)
-University of Seoul, Department of Statistics, Seoul, Korea Professor (Aug. 2008 – Present)
- Ewha Womans University, Department of Statistics, Seoul, Korea Assistant Professor (Mar. 2005 -Jul. 2008)
- Forest Research Institute, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA Senior Statistician (Feb. 2003 -Mar. 2005)


Jun Chul Kim

서울연구원 연구위원
Research Fellow, The Seoul Institute

-The Seoul Institute (2023~current)
-The Seoul Institute of Technology (2019~2023)
-MeG, Computing and Information Systems, The University of Melbourne (2017~2019)


Min JI Han

서울디지털재단 선임연구원
Senior Manager, Seoul Digital Foundation

- Senior Manager, Smart Strategy Team, Seoul Digital Foundation (Jul 2022 ~ Present)
- Senior Officer, Public Development Planning Division, Seoul City (Jan 2022 ~ Jun 2022)
- Research Assistant, Autonomous District Policy Research Support Center, The Seoul Institute (May 2019 ~ Dec 2021)


Kim, Kyunga

삼성서울병원 (미래의학연구원 데이터사이언스연구소)
교수, 의학통계센터장
Professor & Director of Biomedical Statistics Center, Samsung Medical Center

- Professor (2024.9-Present), Biomedical Statistics Center (BSC) @ Samsung Medical Center (SMC)
- Director (2019.4-2021.11 & 2024.1-Present), BSC @ SMC
- Adjunct Professor (2022.2-Present), Department of Data Convergence & Future Medicine, School of Medicine @ Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)


Dae Won Jang

LIG System 연구소장
Research Director, LIG System

- Member of Policy Advisory Committee (social disaster), Ministry of the Interior and Safety.
- Member of Research Advisory Board, The Seoul Institute.
- Member of the Expert Committee (public & space), Presidential Advisory Council on Science and Technology.
- Head of Group, Smart City Institute, Daumsoft.


Dong Jo Seo

서울디지털대학교 컴퓨터공학과 교수
Associate professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Seoul Digital University

- Associate Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Seoul Digital University, Seoul, Korea (2001-Current)
- Manager, Satellite Imagery Team, e-HD.com, Yongin, Korea (1999-2001)
- Researcher, Artificial Intelligent Research Division, Systems Engineering Research Institute / Korea Institute of Science and Technology (SERI/KIST), Daejeon, Korea (1990-1995)


Hyun Soo Choi

한국보건사회연구원 연구위원
Research Fellow, KIHASA (Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs)

- Research Fellow, Department of Social Security Finance, Policy and Data Research in KIHASA (2000.1~ )
- Member of the Department of Policy Service of the Presidential Committee of the Digital Platform Government (2022.10~ )
- Director of Center for Consulting and Coordination of Social Policy of the Central & Local Government (2021.3~2024.2)
- Director of Department of Social Security Finance, Policy and Data Research in KIHASA (2021.6~2022.9)

데이터·AI가 그리는 미래도시 서울
Seoul, a Future City Powered by Data & AI


Yun Chung Sik

서울시 디지털도시국 데이터전략과장
Data Strategy Division Director, Digital City Bureau, Seoul Metropolitan Government

- ICT Management Division’s Director, Ministry of Environment (2021~2023)
- Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior and Safety (2017~2021)
- Consulting Division‘s Managing Director, Oracle Korea (2012~2015)


Jung Min Kim

통계청 통계개발원 사무관
Deputy Director, Statistics Korea, Statistics Research Institute

- Deputy Director, Statistics Research Institute (2024~)
- Senior Researcher, Software Policy & Research Institute (2014~2023)


Joon Sung Park

애플 수석연구원
Principal Engineer, Apple Inc.

- Led the development of various wireless and AP products at Texas Instruments
- Led the modem design for broadband satellite internet constellation at Amazon
- Lead the wireless design at Apple


Hyung Gyoun(Harris) Byun

퓨처웨이브 대표이사 | 차 의과학대학교 겸임교수
CEO, FutureWave / Adjunct Professor, Cha University

- CEO, FutureWave / Adjunct Professor, Cha University
- Senior VP, Head of AI·Big Data Department, BC Card
- Vice President, Head of AI Service Department, KT


Hwang Ha

한국행정연구원 |
인공지능규제TF장, 연구위원
Head of the TF for AI-Powered Regulatory Innovation, Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Public Administration

- Research Fellow, Korea Institute of Public Administration (March
- Ulsan National Institute of Public Administration (October,
2017~March 2019)
- Researcher, Seoul Institute (January 2009~July 2012)


Hye Rim Cho

서울연구원 AI·빅데이터랩 랩장
Leader of AIㆍBIGDATA Lab, The Seoul Institute

- The Seoul Institute (2023~current)
- The Seoul Institute of Technology (2019~2023)
- Seoul Metropolitan Government (2012~2019)
- The University of Seoul (2007~2012)
- SKC&C (2001~2007)
- Korea Transport Institute (1999~2001)

2024 Seoul Big Data Forum Secretariat